
How does TOPMed improve scientific understanding?

Advancing disease treatments through the TOPMed ACC

Sequencing data of genome analysis and a glowing particle molecular structure on black background.


Precision medicine is an emerging approach to disease prevention and treatment that considers the unique genes and environment of each patient. 国民之心, 肺, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI’s) precision medicine initiative seeks to generate scientific resources that will advance precision medicine in the prevention and treatment of heart, 肺, 血, 还有睡眠障碍. 为此目的, the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine program, known as TOPMed and launched by NHLBI in 2014, generates whole genome sequencing and other omics data and integrates these data with other available molecular, 行为, 成像, 环境, 临床数据.

趣赢平台 serves as the Administrative Coordinating Center (ACC) for the TOPMed program, 它包含了/ 1,400名调查人员, 35个活跃的工作组和委员会, 12个测序中心, 信息学资源核心(IRC), 和数据管理核心(DMC).


作为TOPMed ACC, 趣赢平台 supports NHLBI’s precision medicine initiative through program 协调, 科学咨询, 支持分析和出版物, 以及网站的升级和维护. 趣赢平台 oversaw the transition of the TOPMed website, established clear communication channels between the ACC, NHLBI, and the TOPMed committees and working groups, 并监控项目进度. 趣赢平台 hosted the 2023 annual meeting for the TOPMed scientific community at the 趣赢平台 campus. The ACC ensures that the TOPMed scientific community has access to and input from executive scientific advisors within the governance structure, as well as access to technical assistance from experts across a variety of relevant topic areas.

另外, 趣赢平台 maintains resources to assist investigators with paper proposals, 协调, 并确保最终产品的出版, keeping the manuscript pipeline moving efficiently with well over 500 paper proposals generated to date. The ACC also supports analysis by administering awards to early-stage investigators to use TOPMed data and further the goals of the TOPMed program.

Finally, 趣赢平台 is providing NHLBI with a robust, Drupal-based TOPMed ACC website. In maintaining the public- and private-facing TOPMed website, 趣赢平台 offers both technical and functional expertise to provide impactful solutions that resonate with stakeholders. We are also in the process of redesigning and modernizing the TOPMed website.


作为行政协调会, 趣赢平台 provides the organizational framework for administrative support to the TOPMed research community. 在这个角色中, 趣赢平台 is facilitating NHLBI’s precision medicine initiative aimed at seeking treatments for heart, 肺, 血, 还有睡眠障碍 that are tailored to individuals’ unique genes and environment.  








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